Lambda Syntax in Mainstream Programming Languages

Two features are ubiquitous in modern programming languages: C-style syntax and lambda expressions. Here’s how they’ve evolved together over the decades and the syntactical problems it has caused.

Even the most conservative of modern C-like languages, Java, got lambdas eventually:

var activated = accounts
        .map(account -> account.getName().trim())

Lambdas, like a lot of features of Lisp, were invented in a bygone era of computing and ignored by mainstream programming languages for decades before being adopted en mass in the turn of the 21st century. Garbage collection had a similar journey and other Lisp features like support for multiphase code evaluation and abstract syntax trees macros are on a similar trajectory now.

While developers have slowly adopted to the semantic shifts offered by these features, they remain stubborn about surface-level syntactical changes to languages. Languages like Java and C# managed to sell automatic memory management, lambdas, and other then-esoteric tools by packaging them up into a C- and C++-like syntax.

We were not out to win over the Lisp programmers; we were after the C++ programmers. We managed to drag a lot of them about halfway to Lisp.

– Guy Steele, writing about the design of Java.

This is unfortunate as one of the powerful Lisp ideas that still hasn’t entered the mainstream is the semantic power inherent in an aggressively simplified syntax, one that makes metaprogramming, especially homoiconocity, idiomatic and natural.

A consequence of the C-style syntax is parsing ambiguities stemming from the use of many symbolic operators, precedence rules, and contextual switches in parsing based on reserved keywords. It’s broadly their trading off of consistency and orthogonality for syntactical sugar and shorthands.

Lambdas are a construct for which this is especially true.

Lambdas across mainstream languages often didn’t exist throughout the early 2000s and differed substantially from one another when they did. They often had confusing semantics such an scope capturing not quite working as expected or only working in overly-specialised contexts.

Python’s lambdas are crippled by being restricted to one expression. PHP took a long time to get them, and required a baroque explicit capturing notation for it. Java faked them with anonymous inner classes which, while fitting smoothly into the surrounding class-based object-oriented paradigm, were too verbose. C# eventually got a decent lambda notation but went through years of implementing overly specialised forms of it in different guises such as delegates.

To give Perl and JavaScript credit, they got lambdas mostly right early on. Also, once Java added lambdas in version 8, it was not only a concise syntax but one fitted into the surrounding statically-typed class-based OOP paradigm well.

Unfortunately, the proliferation of lambdas in mainstream curly-brace languages has led to undesirable trade-offs over the years.

Most mainstream languages went with the same approach: a parameter list surrounded with parentheses, each parameter separated by a comma, followed by either => or ->, finished with a code block. They usually provide two pieces of syntactical sugar: dropping parentheses for single-parameter lambdas and replacing the code block with a single expression directly after the arrow.

This approach has problems, which perhaps explains why newer languages like Swift, Rust, and Kotlin didn’t copy the syntax.

For starters, what does this mean?

const f = (x, y, z) => x + y + z;

Languages with a comma operator must parse a potentially limitless parameter list before, only right at the end, working out whether it is the comma operator evaluating multiple variables or a parameter list. Until it sees an arrow, it can’t be sure and neither can a human reader.

Let’s assume most C-style languages created in the decade are smart enough to drop the comma operator, doesn’t that fix the problem? Well, what does this JavaScript snippet do?

const f = ({ a, b: c }) => a + c;

Is this an object literal or a parameter list destructuring an object argument? There’s no comma operator here, yet the parser must still chew through potentially unlimited tokens before being able to finally work it out by seeing the arrow.

Let’s take a quick detour into why this is actually a problem.

Firstly, if a computer can’t work out what it is by looking at the start of the expression, neither can a human. There becomes a linear growth in time taken to disambiguate the expression depending on how long the expression is.

Secondly, changing the interpretation of already-parsed tokens based on future tokens frustrates the left-to-right flow of the language, requiring outwards-from-centre reading to work out exact behaviour.

Finally, tooling such as syntax highlighting in editors have a greater likelihood of parsing them correctly if it can unambiguously work out syntax without unlimited lookahead.

Kotlin clearly understood this problem, opting to start a lambda expression with a distinguishing character:

{ x -> x * 2 }

This is clearly more verbose than a single-expression braceless lambda of other languages like JavaScript:

x => x * 2

Realising this, I can only assume Kotlin’s designers added syntactical sugar to offset the additional verbosity:

{ it * 2 }

It uses an it implicit pronoun keyword to refer to a first parameter to avoid spelling it out, but the more noteworthy point is that the arrow can be dropped from lambdas that have no explicit parameters.

Destructuring in lambdas is a common feature in statically-typed functional languages. Let’s see how it would hypothetically look if Kotlin went beyond destructuring position “components” as it currently does and allowed destructuring arbitrary named fields:

val printList = { List(head, rest) ->
    when (rest) {
        is List -> f(rest)
        is Nil -> println("Finished")

What happens when the parser sees the first List? As arrows can be dropped, it has no idea whether it’s a zero-parameter lambda returning a List or a lambda destructuring a list as a parameter. Like earlier examples it must just chew through tokens, shrug at ambiguities, and work it all out later based on whether it sees an arrow. This means Kotlin would have a few issues to resolve if it ever wanted to add deeper destructuring support to its lambdas.

Kotlin has another problem with lambda syntactical sugar. Passing blocks to methods like this is a common feature of mainstream languages with lambdas, giving a less cluttered feel:


list.forEach {

However, if syntax doubles up as both a legitimate start to an expression and syntactical sugar, it will collide with implicit statement termination. That is a feature common among new C-like languages to avoid requiring the developers to write semicolons after every line.

For example, what does this mean?

{ x * 2 }

Is it invoking a zero-parameter method and then evaluating a lambda as a separate expression, or is it passing a lambda to the method as a final argument? It turns out that Kotlin parses it very differently from this:

object.method { x * 2 }

Program behaviour can drastically change based on whitespace like newlines even though the code has the same sequence of tokens. Kotlin is hardly unique in this regard, most modern C-like languages have problems like this.

Enough probing Kotlin, let’s take a look at a strange Swift edge case caused by a similar feature:

$ swift
Welcome to Apple Swift version 4.2.1 (swiftlang-1000.11.42 clang-1000.11.45.1). Type :help for assistance.
  1> func f(g: () -> Void) -> Bool {
  2.     g()
  3.     return true
  4. }
  5> f { print("Hello!") }
$R0: Bool = true
  7> if f { print("Hello!") } { print("It was true.") }
error: repl.swift:7:6: error: trailing closure requires parentheses for disambiguation in this context
if f { print("Hello!") } { print("It was true.") }
    (g:                 )

How can Swift work out whether the first block is passed to f or whether f is a standalone value and the block is for the truthful case? My guess is that Swift works out that another block on the same line came straight afterwards, and because standalone closures aren’t allowed as standalone expressions in Swift, it made a good guess as to the ambiguity’s origin.

The point is that Swift can’t know straight away by just looking at the start, it must wade through an unknown number of tokens before it can make an informed choice.

As a reminder, parsing that involves reinterpreting previous tokens based on future ones isn’t just a parser implementation complication, it makes languages harder to read for humans and tooling alike.

All of these issues perhaps explain why functional languages went with a slightly more verbose lambda syntax and often didn’t provide special syntax when passing them to functions:

% Erlang
fun(X) -> X * 2 end

-- Haskell
\x -> x * 2

(* OCaml *)
fun x -> x * 2

In these forms, destructuring just works, whitespace isn’t needed to disambiguate, and parsing ambiguities don’t emerge.

Let’s say that we really want some syntactical sugar for lambdas in our C-like language but want to also side-step the aforementioned problems. What is the best approach to take?

The starting token must be unambiguous to avoid the problems of Java, JavaScript, and C#. We also must not allow a shorthand for zero-parameter lambdas that allows dropping tokens that unambiguously distinguish the first parameter from a standalone expression. Following these rules, we can come up with a lambda syntax like this:

-> x { x * 2 }

-> { println("Hello, world!") }

It’s not particularly elegant when passed to other functions though. Compare this hypothetical syntax with Java’s lambdas:

forEach(list, -> x { x * 2 })
forEach(list, x -> x * 2)

Let’s add in two pieces of syntactical sugar that don’t break the constraints that were laid out. The first one will be the introduction of the it keyword, the Kotlin shorthand shown above that appeared many years prior as anaphoric macros in Lisp. Let’s also throw in the ability to pass a lambda outside of calling parentheses.

forEach(list) -> {
    it * 2

By starting with an arrow, the problem of clashes with blocks being passed to built-ins is also averted, avoiding Swift’s issue. However, it still has Kotlin’s problem: the syntactical sugar for passing lambdas as final arguments leads to an ambiguous parse. Kotlin solves this by changing how code is parsed based on the presence of newlines, but is there a better way?

What if the -> token signified only the syntactical sugar and not a lambda literal too? What if lambda literals couldn’t be spelled out directly but could be created by passing the block syntactical sugar to an identity function?

List(1, 2, 3)
    .map -> { it * 2 }
    .filter -> { (it % 2) == 0 }
    .forEach -> { println(`{it}`) }

T fn<T>(T x) {

var f = fn -> { it * 2 }
var y = f(x)

This makes standalone lambdas more verbose but most lambdas are passed directly to other functions in practice. It solves most of the problems listed in this article but at the expense of making lambdas less notationally elegant. It’s but one of many alternatives new C-style languages could choose.

Most mainstream languages have added ambiguities and edgecases to accomodate cleaner lambda notations, but is the tradeoff worth it? Apparently they think so. After all, how many developers are really going to pass a block-receiving lambda as an if condition or expect a block on a different line from a call to be passed into it?

Programming languages are full of tricky tradeoffs like this, often with no correct answer. Keep this in mind when perusing the endless self-entitled GitHub users creating issues against the implementation of their language of choice and claming that “obviously” a feature should be added in a certain way, that they “see no reason why not”, and the mother of all programming language myths, that “those who don’t like the feature don’t have to use it, and therefore won’t be affected by it”.