Escape-Bypassing Language Injection: Exploiting Multiple-Level Language Embedding

When a fix for a well-known vulnerable programming practice becomes widely known, it runs the risk of being applied blindly without context, defeating its very purpose. Escaping input for embedded languages like SQL and JavaScript is a common example of this.

Many developers escape their SQL parameters and user inputs to the DOM because they know escaping is required by the library to avoid attacks like SQL Injections; in fact, the documentation of their library probably had a section in red with an exclamation mark to emphasise the fact. They see what escaping is needed, apply it, and then continue. The documentation says the code is now safe, so what is there to worry about?

The broader problem isn’t a specific API needing to be called in a certain way with an escaping mechanism. The problem is instead specifically about passing data from outer languages to nested inner languages, and how that conversion is done while maintaining obvious semantics without unexpected effects.

An unexpected effect might be new distinct SQL operations being appended to a string that was indended to be solely part of a WHERE clause. The problem is that the outer language, say, Java, didn’t understand that its string should only have applied as an operand of = in the WHERE. It only understood the whole string as a single token, rather than a sequence of SQL tokens that have its own set of rules.

Escaping mechanisms, such as parameterised SQL queries, translate from a more general construct in an outer language, like a string in Java or a text node in HTML, into a more specific construct in an inner language. It is through that analysis of a more general outer construct that it realises that, despite it being a Java string like any other, it has constructs that cause unintended semantics in the inner language, and it needs to transform it to match expected behaviour.

Lest this sound like pointless theorising, let’s get to the point of this post: seeing escaping just as a “library feature we use to secure this code” and ignoring the theory of language embedding and escaping will lead to security holes. For example, we might escape HTML in a server-side template within an inline script tag, but not realise that escaping HTML only protects the HTML, not languages nested inside of it like JavaScript.

Remember that language escaping mechanisms only traverse a single level of embedding.

In that example we have the server-side templating language, the HTML, and the inline JavaScript. That means escaping must be done twice to traverse from the template to the JavaScript.

Consider this example using a hypothetical Groovy-like templating language, using ${} as placeholders:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        const initialPayload = {
            currentUserId: ${escapeHTML(},
            currentUserName: "${escapeHTML(}",
            welcomeMessage: `Welcome, ${escapeHTML(}`,

Reading the documentation for the templating language, a developer will read that “using escapeHTML avoids injection attacks from user input” and be satisfied.

An adversary then enters this as their name:


escapeHTML dutifully searches for angle brackets and other HTML characters that need to be escaped, finds none, and lets it though unaltered:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        var initialPayload = {
            currentUserId: 42,
            currentUserName: "A"+(window.location="")+"B",
            welcomeMessage: `Welcome, A"+(window.location="")+"B`,

currentUserName becomes "AB", or at least it would if the page were not redirected to a phishing webpage beforehand.

The escaping was bypassed by injecting one level deeper than the language doing the escaping, injecting an inner language to bypass the escaping of the outer one.

The direction of this can be flipped too.

As a rather convoluted example, a webapp teaching programming to beginners allows users to enter JavaScript code into “holes” in JavaScript programs displayed by the browser. For example, the exercise asks them to fill in a placeholder like this to make a loop terminate:

const chances = 10;
let chanceNumber = 0;
while (______) {
    const correct = askUserForGuess();
    if (correct) {
    chanceNumber += 1;

Users can share solutions with each other to encourage collaboration. Realising this, the developers expose a new function to the server-side templating language for only allowing simple JavaScript expressions consisting of numbers, symbols, arithmetic, strings, and boolean operators. Assignments, object and array lookups, and all other forms of operations are blacklisted. They might use a regular expression like this:



        # Symbols
        (?: \w (?:\w|\d)* )

            # Numeric operators
            | (?: [+-/*] | (?:[*][*]) | [()])

            # Boolean operators
            | (?: ! | (?:===?) | (?:!==?) | [<>])

            # Numbers
            | (?: [-+]? (?: (?:\d+) | (?:\d?\.\d+)))


The escaping function is named escapeSimpleJSExpression, and the server side template for this particular exercise becomes:

    const chances = 10;
    let chanceNumber = 0;
    while (${escapeSimpleJSExpression(getUsersCurrentExerciseAttempt().placeholderInputs[0])}) {
        const correct = askUserForGuess();
        if (correct) {
        chanceNumber += 1;

The proposed escaping is restrictive enough to stop the sort of bypasses you find in Angular 1 sandbox escapes. There are some possible injection points here, as parentheses allow function invocations, and traversing standard browser objects is possible with dots. The lack of strings and square brackets limits injections though, and stops injection-friendly JavaScript subsets like JSFuck.

However, that escaping still allows division, less-than operators, and symbols. </ script> therefore works, which allows the escaping in the inner language to be bypassed by injecting the outer language. With division, parentheses, and dots allowed for arithmetic expressions, a whole remote-script loading injection can be composed:


Using fetch and eval allows it to post-process payloads from the site. For example, the adversary might put window.location = "" in their user profile’s About Me section, which it can then load via the site’s API with fetch and inject into the page of anyone viewing the completed exercise.

As strings are banned, it cannot pass the URL as a string to fetch. Single assignment operators are banned too, so assigning an ID to a new element that contains the URL it needs, and looking it up in JavaScript will not work either. Storing the URL in outer elements and pulling the value out of the textContent in JavaScript usually won’t work because selecting that element requires a complex selector to avoid selecting other elements on the page, whose attribute on the element will use the banned character =.

The adversary can use one of the rather old-school document properties like forms and then pop the result off rather than using the banned array indexing operator. A more stealthy attack would refine this to hide the text content in some way and avoid the new block element form disrupting the DOM flow, and perhaps even removing it from the DOM when done with .removeChild.

Escaping out of the inner language by using the outer language, the restricted character set suddenly went from being quite restrictive into allowing remote-script execution.

There are easy ways to fix those examples. If the JavaScript whitelister used a real parser rather than regular expressions, </ would be thrown out. Running the code in a sandboxed iframe would be a better idea. The first injection example could be easily thwarted by doing more server-side whitelisting of input.

Server-side whitelisting is usually a shim though, and should only be done for validating the domain of data, not for blocking injections. Changing view technologies such as employing a new templating system breaks anti-injection validation done on existing data, leading to complex, potentially-lossy alterations of existing data. Using proper parsers does not solve the injection problem, it just reduces the likelihood, as many injections rely on sloppy handling of input.

Escaping data properly and not caring about what characters can potentially inject is a better approach. The best solution is to not embed languages unnecessarily, and to never do more than one-level of nesting. If you must, escaping must be done for every traversal, so twice when there are three languages in play.