A Proposal for the Web: Improving Security with Versioned Baseline Defaults

The importance of sane defaults in software is too often overlooked by technical people. Users routinely witness the benefits of them, albeit rarely consciously. Providing a sensible default for a customisable option is the difference between a configuration being secure per usual versus being an explicitly-enabled anomaly toggled on solely by enthusiasts.

Web developers use software to produce artefacts, like users in many other domains, but rather than options tweaked by button presses or dial dragging, they configure “options” with HTML elements, HTTP headers, JavaScript APIs, and CSS features.

Maintaining Compatibility

The web has evolved since the ‘90s and has admirably maintained an impressive degree of backwards-compatibility throughout. This puts it in that rare category of software, the Unix-like operating systems and Lisps of the world, the few digital tools that build atop a fundamental philosophy and accrue evolutionary changes over time without routinely reworking the foundations. These tools put the others and their ecosystems to shame; Node.js libraries, for example, are lucky to go for three years without going through a set of sweeping changes that break user’s code.

Such compatibility does however come at a cost. The POSIX filesystem standard that evolved from Unix leaves modern security as an afterthought; a global filesystem with a root protected primarily by ACLs, access control lists, isn’t secure enough for most users. More modern operating systems are breaking POSIX compatibility by providing isolated persistent datastores for each “app” or providing access via granted capabilities rather than giving carte blanche over the whole filesystem and hoping the ACLs and other controls like chroot jails are tight enough.

The web has a similar conundrum. Changing the default behaviour to improve the security of webpages (or more likely webapps these days) will break existing pages that used to work just fine, but is it really acceptable in this age to allow JavaScript access to session cookies by default or to allow embedding the page within others unless stated otherwise?

Declaring which Set of Defaults to Use

There are many ways in which to change the defaults of the modern web to improve security. HTTP headers could fallback to secure values if omitted, HTML elements could adopt new default behaviours such as iframes sandboxing unless a nosandbox attribute is specified, and JavaScript’s global objects could be made mostly immutable to prevent nefarious monkey-patching by a loaded script whose integrity has been compromised.

To keep this proposal focussed, let’s stick to new HTTP header defaults initially. As headers are loaded before other content, it could be expanded to the other areas at a later date.

A new header must be added to either the HTTP 1.1 or 2.0 response to trigger this feature. Messing around with the HTTP protocols themselves would create too many problems whereas adding new headers is a safe operation in all browsers today, especially if they’re rolled out with an X- prefix during the proposal phase. Using a header also means it’s propagated across conversions between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2 which often done in cloud-based loadbalancers.

This new header will be special. Its presence will change how other headers are parsed, meaning browsers will have to hold off on acting upon other header values until this header is either found or can be ruled out due to its absense. Parsing headers is presumably not a performance bottleneck in modern browsers but this should be considered by those more knowledgable in that area.

Assume the header is called X-Baseline-Defaults-Version with values like 1.0. There are plenty of names that would suit it and the numeric versioning scheme could be one of many such as basic single-number versioning or even full semantic versioning. This is bikeshedding; so long as different baseline defaults can be versioned and therefore distinguished, it’ll work towards the goal.

Consider this hypothetical HTTP response:

HTTP 1.1 https://volatilethunk.com/index.html
Content-Type: text/html
Set-Cookie: session=foobar

<h1>The Forum</h1>

<form action="post">
  <label>Subject<input name="subject"></label>
  <label>Post<input name="post"></label>
  <input type="submit">

Running an automated scan by OWASP ZAP, Nikto, or Burp Suite yields the usual suspects: a cookie not set to HttpOnly, SameSite, and Secure, potentially XSS’ed scripts allowed inline due to the lack of a content security policy, being embedded into a frame of an untrusted site is tolerated, content type sniffing is tolerated in older browsers, URLs are leaked via the Referer field to other websites, there’s no feature policy restricting the site to features it actually needs to use, and probably more.

Let’s fix the first five by adding some headers via our web server:

HTTP 1.1 https://volatilethunk.com/index.html
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Security-Policy: default-src: 'self'
Set-Cookie: session=foobar; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict
X-Frame-Options: deny
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Referrer-Policy: same-origin

<h1>The Forum</h1>

<form action="post">
  <label>Subject<input name="subject"></label>
  <label>Post<input name="post"></label>
  <input type="submit">

The list of the recommended HTTP headers has grown over time. For the majority of sites that should use them, web developers must “just know” what they are and remember to add them or use a framework that does it for them. A well written website can end up with half a dozen or so just to turn on the recommended security mechanisms of the web. They’re too easy to forget and increase the barrier to entry to creating secure sites by adding to the myriad tricks that web developers must “just know”.

If it’s decided that at least the first five additions should be default for new webpages unless explicitly stated otherwise, the new proposal looks like this:

HTTP 1.1 https://volatilethunk.com/index.html
Content-Type: text/html
Set-Cookie: session=foobar
X-Baseline-Defaults-Version: 2

<h1>The Forum</h1>

<form action="post">
  <label>Subject<input name="subject"></label>
  <label>Post<input name="post"></label>
  <input type="submit">

Rather than explaining to developers every security feature they should enable for new sites, guidelines can just write: “remember to use version 2 in the X-Baseline-Defaults-Version header”. Only when those developers must relax those security constraints do they need to learn about them. The more secure options become the default state of affairs and out of the minds of developers until they really need to dial them down.

Increasing of security on existing pages a more robust. Rather than sprinkling security-related headers across the pages, one line can be added to bump up the baseline defaults to a newer version and then options can be explicitly relaxed if necessary to keep existing functionality working. Both methods are valid however, developers can use either one to improve security by approaching it from two different sides: gradually adding security versus adding all of it and then relaxing the new constraints as necessary.

The Proposed Version 1.0 Defaults

Thankfully, most HTTP headers provide explicit values for the existing default settings if otherwise left unspecified. These can be used to relax the constraints of new baseline defaults. Here’s what the baseline could set the new default values to:

Header Name Proposed New Default
Set-Cookie SameSite=Strict; HttpOnly; Secure
Referrer-Policy same-origin
Content-Security-Policy font-src: '*'; frame-src: '*';
media-src: '*';
default-src: 'self';
sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts;
form-action: 'self'
Feature-Policy ambient-light-sensor 'none';
autoplay 'none';
accelerometer 'none';
camera 'none';
display-capture 'none';
document-domain 'none';
encrypted-media 'none';
fullscreen 'none';
geolocation 'none';
gyroscope 'none';
microphone 'none';
midi 'none';
payment 'none';
picture-in-picture 'none';
speaker 'none';
sync-xhr 'none';
usb 'none';
wake-lock 'none';
webauthn 'none';
vr 'none'
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options deny
X-XSS-Protection 1; mode=block

Notes on Some Headers

The proposed defaults are designed to be usable in most contexts while fixing the most egregious issues and to give the most “bang for your buck” without diverging too far from the web’s fundaments.

The Set-Cookie value only changes the default flags added to user cookies when they are not stated explicitly; it isn’t replacing the whole header value when no cookies are set.

Referrer policy same-origin stops leaking user history to third-party pages while still allowing pages to know whether they have come from an internal page.

The proposed Content-Security-Policy value keeps basic resources, such as images and fonts, loadable from remote locations in order to keep the majority of the resource loads of the common web intact while blocking third party scripts by default. Even this will be quite a breaking change as a default, given the amount of sites using third party tracking scripts like Google Analytics.

The content security policy also specifies a sandbox, which are no longer limited to iframes but can now be specified for top-level pages too. This one allows forms and scripts but not more intrusive features like pop-up windows (which most browsers block by default anyway).

Feature policies need exhaustive lists for a reason: so that the web standards bodies like WHATWG can add new restrictions at a later date without breaking compatibility. That’s presumably why there isn’t an option for blocking all features. The proposed new default opts out of the more specialised features, but a complex webapp will be expected to toggle some of these back on, one-by-one.

X-Content-Type-Options and X-XSS-Protection could be omitted. The reality is that they’re designed to work around counter-intuitive behaviour or enable antiquated protections in older browsers, neither of which apply to newer browsers. A browser new enough to support this proposal won’t have these problems.

X-Frame-Options is set to deny because allowing a page to be embedded is usually a niche requirement, usually only suitable for pages that have been explicitly designed for it such as social media widgets.

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy could be toggled to same-site as a new default. Whilst this would make sense, it would also break a fundamental assumption that sites have been able to make since the ’90s: that at least basic assets like images can be loaded from other domains. It was omitted.

Strict-Transport-Security is a worthy contender for HTTPS pages, but who would decide on a good common max-age value?

Content-Type could default to UTF-8 for the character sets, but that seems to be in the realm of modern default values rather than secure default values per se.


The goal of this proposal isn’t to aid web framework authors or established companies with equally established webapp codebases. They will have both the resources and the knowledge to add sensible default header values over time as they are released and refined by the standards organisations.

It is instead aimed at new developers wanting to use learn and use standard web technologies. Let’s give them a single header to remember to add: X-Baseline-Defaults-Version. With that one “neat trick” to remember, a whole raft of sensible security defaults can be toggled on by default, out of sight and out of mind, guiding new developers towards writing secure web applications from the beginning.

By versioning baselines of defaults for parts of the web like default HTTP header values, we acknowledge that the web is an evolving platform whose changing direction often surprises even its more seasoned users. Sometimes we need to reflect on a few years worth of recently added features and ask ourselves whether the web’s current defaults reflect the most idiomatic, simple, robust, and secure way of using them both as a whole and in conjunction with existing features.