Source Portability vs Platform Portability
Avoiding vendor lock-in is one of the first concerns raised when proposing a new technology at a company, and portability has subsequently become table stakes for new programming languages. Not all forms of portability are the same though, which has real consequences.
By adopting portable technologies, a company can more easily hedge its bets, keeping the door open to changing cloud providers, operating systems, and hardware architectures. Such changes are therefore made solely based on the benefits and drawbacks for the company rather than due to lock ins removing options from the table.
Or so the narrative goes. How many cloud provider migrations actually end up being successfully pulled off and end up saving money, enough to offset the migration cost? And what benefit is OS portability on the server when Linux has already become the OS lingua franca of modern technology services?
Regardless of the benefits of portability being overhyped for some other technological solutions, the portability of common programming languages is taken advantage of constantly and is something we take for granted. One of the first questions levelled at new programming language projects is how portable they are; language that can’t, say, work on Windows, are eventually requested to do so by the community.
Why do Engineers Desire Programming Language Portability?
What makes developers desire portabilility to the point of making it a defacto requirement of new languages? Programming languages are tools for expressing problems, yes, but they also shepard users towards a particular way of expressing computation. If a developer’s mindset is particularly amenable to that way, their programming thought process becomes increasingly dependent on using that language.
At that point, a developer considers it easier to choose a portable language than to learn whole new programming paradigms and memorise new programming language APIs for just migrating to a new OS or hardware architecture.
What is “Portability” Anyway?
In the heyday of Sun Microsystem’s Java marketing, a common catchphrase was “Write Once, Run Everywhere”. The sarcastic responses to this such as “Write Once, Debug Everywhere” illustrates that portability is tricky.
Java, Unix, and the web are all seen as portable from various angles. Java the language is compiled to a hardware-agnostic bytecode and this is run by Java runtimes that exist for all major desktop and server OSes. Unix is standardised in POSIX, which quite presumptiously terms itself the “Portable Operating System Interface” and prescribes a very specific view of OSes that might be objectionable to users of other OSes e.g. Plan 9, Oberon, VMS, or Windows. The web takes a similar approach to Java, interpreting hardware-agnostic artefacts and having itself being implemented across many platforms. The gap between Java and the web has become even smaller with the popularisation of WebAssembly.
Weren’t C and C++ also advertised as portable though? What gave Java such a zealous advertising point here? Many portable platforms were implemented in C and C++ themselves, the Java Virtual Machine and web browsers being prominant examples.
Portability doesn’t just mean one thing. It depends on which component of a technology is portable, and in which layer of portability it rests. A Windows application that only runs on Windows is still portable by some definitions if it can be cross-compiled from x86 to ARM. Is everything portable if they can be theoretically be run in hypervisors virtualising different chipsets to the host? If not, do we draw a line at hypervisor-based virtual machines and not programming language virtual machines? If so, why?
I’ve noticed that the clearest dividing line in portability is that between portable platforms and portable source code.
Portable Platforms
Examples: the Web, Java, .NET, Erlang/OTP
When writing code for a portable platform, the code isn’t itself portable. It’s tied to the platform. The platform itself, however, is portable.
These platforms often become the lowest common denominator of their targets, making it inconvenient to take the fullest advantage of a specific system’s capabilities. However, there is less likely to be code that is conditionally compiled for each underlying platform, giving fewer possibilities to debug.
The abstractions presented by these portable platforms remove the need to understand each underlying system. Joel Spolsky’s Law of Leaky Abstractions indicates where this can go wrong. Once something fails in the lower-levels, the developers who are dependent on the platform’s abstractions are helpless.
Portable platforms are more likely to present a view of computation that is misaligned with what’s underneath, creating impedance mismatches.
They give the opportunity to target one paradigm well rather than several poorly. A developer can master the DOM in browsers to maximise performance and then target all underlying platforms with similar performance and stability characteristics, or instead spread their learnings across the varying UI toolkit paradigms of each platform, doing each with a divided understanding.
Sure, that Electron app might be sluggish, but if that same developer team with the same amount of resources split their focus across UIKit on iOS, Android’s UI framework, Windows API on Windows, and GTK on Linux, would it really be consistently quicker and equally reliable across all of those platforms?
Source Code Portability
Examples: C, C++, Rust, Clojure
Languages favouring source code portability seek to be compiled to multiple underlying platforms. They are directly portable rather than relying entirely on a single platform to grant its portability.
Clojure is a complicated case. It is compilable to multiple platforms, but its best supported targets are portable platforms: Clojure on the JVM and Clojurescript in browsers. This is a design decision made on purpose; it advertises its preference for host language VMs.
These languages are themselves portable but the libraries they often call out to are often not. For example, C is one of the most portable languages ever created, yet so much of the code written in it is dependent on specific platforms. In a paradoxical way, the fact it can be so dependent on so many specific platforms is actually a product of its portability.
As these languages don’t prescribe a single platform’s paradigm, instead opening the door to integration with as many platforms as possible, they are less capable of creating consistent, far-reaching portable APIs that insulate the users from the underlying system. That’s why these languages tend to have smaller standard libraries. You needn’t go for long in Clojure or Rust before you have to start reaching for native libraries from the OS or the JVM, or alternatively utilise third party portable wrapper libraries that others have written.
To make semantics consistent, they often define an “abstract machine”. This is to ensure consistency in how the language acts when compiled to various platforms with differing behaviours. C cheats here by handwaving a lot of behaviours as undefined.
If an abstract machine becomes so strictly defined that each behaviour can be depended upon on a wide range of targetted systems, then it itself is on the way to becoming a dependable, portable platform and thus a target for other languages… At this point a language can transision partially from a portable source language to a portable platform, or somewhere in between.
Examples: Python, Ruby, Perl, Go
What if a language’s source code is directly portable, can access native, underlying platform features eaily, yet still relies on bulky runtimes catered to that specific language to insulate users from the underlying platform for accomplishing at least simple tasks? These dependent runtimes might even be external to the produced artefacts, such as Python, Ruby, and Perl, making them closer to a portable platform like the JVM. They aren’t really the same though, for reasons I’ll explain.
Python allows accessing blatantly OS-dependent features like
yet tries to hide away the underlying platform with a large runtime when it
can. These runtimes are large enough to become target platforms for other
languages, and the languages themselves often have alternative
runtimes such as Python being compiled
to the JVM via Jython.
A key difference between a hybrid language and one with source code portability is that former bundles or depends upon its own runtime, whereas the latter delegates most of the work to one of many target platforms. Clojure might rely on a garbage collector and runtime reflection, but it doesn’t implement those itself. It just mandates those features for its target platforms.
A cynic could argue that hybrid languages are the worst of both worlds. They have neither the insulating effect of a grand unifying platform such as JVM, nor the complete source portability of languages like C or Rust. (Such a language can’t just be cross-compiled to a new target; they must port whole runtimes over too.) Real-world Python, for example, is heavily tied to CPython semantics. This means it cannot realistically be compiled to another non-CPython platform in many cases, yet still suffers the cost of non-portable assumptions frequently rising to the surface even in standard libraries.
Yet Go strikes a more useful balance between being cross-compilable to many platforms, producing artefacts that work without dependencies, yet still has a sophisticated runtime that acts as a portable platform between the user and the underlying system for certain aspects like concurrency and non-blocking IO.
I will happily take flak from the Python community by stating that Go clearly utilitised its hybrid portability model more effectively than Python. It managed to do so while producing more portable artefacts that bundle the runtime rather than requiring it to be installed on the user’s machine, and the runtime handles more useful work for the developers such as managing non-blocking IO automatically.
The Blurred Lines Inbetween
These are rough categorisations, mere back-of-a-napkin approximations. For example, is Clojure’s dependency on host VM runtimes really so different from Python’s effective dependency on the CPython runtime if it can also be compiled to the JVM? How different is the C abstract machine from the JVM, exactly? Can we reasonably draw a firm line between them when C++’s portable threading model was inspired so heavily by Java’s?
If we think about this too much, we might recall this snippet of wisdom courtesy of Perl’s manpages: all languages are interpreted, it’s just a matter of which level is doing the interpretation. Fully compiled languages are still interpreted, they’re just interpreted by the CPU rather than something higher up.
My methodology for sorting the example languages isn’t so much on technical capability as community intent. Yes, Python can be cross-compiled to other targets, but most of the ecosystem shows no interest in this and just sticks to CPython. Clojure, by contrast, has had multiple first-class implementations for a long time and has officially-blessed support for cross-compiled portable source code.
Ruby bytecode is theoretically a target for other languages, but the community isn’t focussed on making it amenable as a target for other languages. The JVM absolutely is however, adding major features primarily for the benefit of other languages targetting their platform.
It’s important when making such useful catagorisations to not get bogged down in whether something can be done. The more important question is whether doing so is idiomatic, supported by the community, and works smoothly with existing tooling and ecosystem assumptions.
Which One?
Should we prefer platform portability or source code portability?
The answer is the same as many answers in computing: it depends.
Do you favour portability insofar as being able to dig deep into the capabilities of each underlying system from the same codebase? Or do you favour being able to free your mind from the concerns of every targetted system, being able to centralise the design onto a single portable platform’s paradigms and traits?
Both yield positive economic benefits for a company depending on what it’s working on. Systems requiring deep integration into a system will benefit primarily from source code portability, whereas systems that focus more on solving a particular domain’s problems in a way that can be acheived on common hardware configurations and operating systems will benefit mostly from portable platforms.
For example, an OS driver would be ill-suited for the JVM. To make such a codebase useful is to tie it deep into the bowels of a specific platform, even if various aspects of the code can be reused on different systems.
A CRUD app or a messaging backend would be able to take more advantage of a single, portable platform. It wouldn’t restrict capabilities since they likely need only talk to a relational database or another language-agnostic datastore, serve a web page, push messages to other services, and little else. Why not simplify to a single portable platform in these cases?
Be Careful of Claims of Portability
When languages advertise portability, check what sort of portability it’s offering. Choosing a language for one type of portability and getting another leads to languages that a poorly suited to a domain. Python’s portability is very different from C’s portability, both of which are also different from Java’s.