Using Neovim and Configuring it with Lua

Neovim is a fork of Vim created in 2015. It strove to split the text editing engine from the UI, to add features then missing from Vim such as embedded terminals and asynchronous operations, and to allow configuration in Lua rather than the baroque and Vim-specific VimL aka VimScript.

As of the 0.5 release, it has delivered on these goals. An ecosystem of third party UIs has flourished, the new features were implemented and saw usage, and it can now be configured entirely in Lua. Later releases such as 0.8 have added even more nicities.

By Jason Long, neovim, CC BY 3.0,

Why use a fork of Vim rather than the plethora of other editors out there? I’ve given my reasons in the previous article, but to summarise: it depends on just a terminal as opposed to a whole web browser engine like Visual Studio code; it has ergonomic keybindings owing to its modal editor origins; its UI/engine split lets third parties develop UIs independently; it comes from POSIX vi, allowing core sysadmin skills to be reused in one’s primary editor; and modifying it can be done with immediate hackability rather than only formally loaded extensions with boilerplate.

I’ll document the process for configuring Neovim with Lua, and try to assume the reader hasn’t extensive familiarity with the vi family of editors. That said, this is a guide for configuring Neovim, not how to use the vi family of editors on a day-to-day basis.

A (Far too Short) Crash Course in Neovim

In case you’re unfamiliar with the vi family of editors, of which Neovim is a member, there are numerous places to start.

The fundamentals are:

  • Neovim runs in a terminal by default. That means its program, nvim, must be in your PATH if you got it directly from the GitHub release. Once its there, invoke it by entering nvim. Pass in file paths as arguments to open them directly.
  • Neovim (and Vim and vi) run in “modes”. Each mode has a different set of keyboard shortcuts, which they call “keybindings”.
  • You start in “normal” mode. Keys perform operations rather than being inserted into the document. For example, dd deletes the current line rather than typing dd into the current position in the document.
  • To insert characters, you switch into a different mode, one called “insert mode”. You can do this from normal mode by typing i.
  • Finished inserting text? Press the escape key to flip back from insert mode to normal mode.
  • More complex commands can be entered using “command mode”. To move to it from command mode, type a colon.
  • Like insert mode, one can switch back to normal mode using the escape key.
  • From command mode, you can quit the editor by invoking the quit command. Once in command mode, just type the command you wish to invoke and press enter once done.
  • All commands can be abbreviated; for example, few will type out write to write the file out or quit to quit Neovim. Instead, abbreviations can be used when they aren’t ambiguous, e.g. q for quit and w for write. Quitting is especially useful to know.

This is the fundamental reason why vi-based editors are so ergonomic and efficient: complex operations can be typed in a dedicated mode, meaning they don’t need complex combinations of modifier keys.

In Praise of Lua

Is an editor truly to praise when it chooses Lua as its primary extension language? A language infamous for defaulting to global variables and using 1-based indices for arrays, no less. Where are its classes? Why doesn’t it have built-in language support for namespaces?

On the contrary, I’ve come to believe it’s a language that punches well above its weight.

Compactness Delivered with an Approachable Syntax

It’s a small language. In an era when almost every mainstream programming language suffers from language committees adding constant features for the sake of it, a small language that just stays the same is a blessing from a previous era. It’s compact enough to keep in your head. Even the additions post 5.1 – which LuaJIT sticks to – have been conservative.

Its syntax is simple. It has an ALGOL-style syntax using English keywords. Despite the clear benefits of Lisp, its esoteric syntax is off-putting to experienced developers and newcomers alike. And unlike Python, it hasn’t added so many unnecessary features that its word-heavy syntax has become a Python-like word soup. Modern C-style languages tend to accumulate edge cases as they graft increasing features atop a core syntax not designed for it.

Simplicity in Scoping and Encapsulation

Apart from making variables global by default, its scoping system is refreshingly simple. Unlike JavaScript, there’s no scope hoisting or temporal dead zones to worry about. It also differs from Kotlin, Java, and Swift in that there isn’t a laundry list of scope-altering features such as classes, structs, namespaces, and statics. There’s Scheme-like lexical scope (whose captured variables in a closure can be modified by the closure’s fenv), and there are tables including one representing global variables. When one Lua snippet requires a Lua file, the file can return a table of module entries at the end, importing one module into the other without resorting to global variables.

Its metatables are flexible and powerful enough to implement most object systems, reflection mechanisms, namespaces, and proxies. It’s a single unified data structure used ubiquitously across Lua. As opposed to JavaScript, the language hasn’t fell victim to committees constantly throwing in new features that its built-in data structures can already provide.


Part of Lua’s heritage rests in data configuration languages, which it demonstrates with its concise data definitions. The syntactical sugar on top is simple: tables and strings passed to functions can drop the parentheses; colons can be used to pass implicit selfs to functions stored in tables (i.e. methods); and tables can drop square brackets and quotation marks from simple string keys.

By Alexandre Nakonechnyj (Graphic design) and Lua team (PostScript code) - svg from PostScript Source (see below) created from Lumu, Public Domain,

A few select pieces of well-targeted syntactical sugar make for a more elegant language than those trying to hard-code in new syntax for every desired feature.


The asymmetric coroutine feature of Lua lets it to do concurrency without littering code with async, await, yield, or suspend keywords at every layer of the callstack. As editor extensions get increasingly complicated and dependent on outside processes such as LSP servers, this is useful for editor extensions.

This capability is already being used extensively in the Neovim Lua package ecosystem.


LuaJIT is an impressively quick language implementation. While modern JavaScript engines may surpass it, the same cannot be said for the de facto implementations of Python and Ruby.

It is a target for other languages such as Teal and Fennel, likely due to Lua’s reach and LuaJIT’s renown performance.

Configuring Neovim with Lua

Lua’s website describes the language in depth. As Neovim uses LuaJIT, you should check the 5.1 reference.

To configure Neovim, the first step is to ensure you have at least version 0.8. If you’re downloading from somewhere that traditionally has older versions of software, such as Debian’s repositories, double-check. If in doubt, get the latest stable GitHub release.

Once you have installed that version, you can drop our new init.lua configuration file in a few possible locations. Neovim respects the XDG specifications, so let’s go for ~/.config/nvim/init.lua.

Global Options

Let’s take a look at an example of some basic options:

local opt = vim.opt

opt.backup = false
opt.cursorline = true
opt.expandtab = true
opt.hidden = true
opt.hlsearch = true
opt.incsearch = true
opt.number = true
opt.path:append '**'
opt.scrolloff = 5
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.smartcase = true
opt.smartindent = true
opt.softtabstop = 4
opt.swapfile = false
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.textwidth = 80
opt.wildmenu = true
opt.wrap = true
opt.writebackup = false

vim.opt is a Lua table that stores global options, similar to the JSON-backed properties in Visual Studio Code. In traditional Vi or Vim you’d set these like set nobackup or set tabstop=4.

As a metatable it can do useful things such as take array assignments for certain multi-value options or support appending with method calls like append.

For those not used to the vi editor family, some of the option names may seem a old fashioned, e.g. “shiftwidth”. These can be researched individually; when you’re comfortable with what they do, the structure of the above snippet can be followed to configure them. For example, expandtab determines whether spaces or hard tabs are used for indenting, and cursorline enables highlighting on the whole current line.

Some features are not exposed as options. For example, changing the colour scheme is actually a command instead: colorscheme blue. You can tab-complete in command mode, so tab after colorscheme to see what other color schemes come out of the box aside from blue. You can add third party colour schemes alongside the preincluded ones.

Neovim documents each of these options, to be browsed at your leisure.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Older editors tend to call keyboard shortcuts keybindings.

Neovim inherited Vim’s notion of a “leader key”. It means a single keybinding to preface our own. It’s similar to Emac’s idea of non-standard keybindings being prefixed with C-x. Vim’s is more ergonomic; because Vim is modal, it means modifier-less keys such as Space can be used as the leader key, opening up combinations such as Space-v for, say, splitting a window vertically. It’s easy to hit with a thumb, and no pinky strain for modifier keys.

Let’s define the leader key as space.

vim.g.mapleader = ' '

vim.g represents Vim’s global variables. These are understood by the editor itself rather than Lua – Lua has its own notion of global variables. They are also readable in command mode and VimL via a g: prefix, e.g. :echo g:mapleader. mapleader is a global Vim variable that defines the current leader key.

Let’s now set some convenient keybindings to allow the likes of splitting the window with just space followed by v when in normal mode:

local set = vim.keymap.set

set('n', '<leader>h', '<c-w>h')
set('n', '<leader>j', '<c-w>j')
set('n', '<leader>k', '<c-w>k')
set('n', '<leader>l', '<c-w>l')
set('n', '<leader>v', '<c-w>v')
set('n', '<leader>s', '<c-w>s')
set('n', '<leader>c', '<c-w>c')
set('n', '<leader>o', '<c-w>o')

Voilà! Now all of our window-splitting and navigation can be done with two keystrokes each, one of which is usually under our thumb.


To go beyond basic editing, we’ll want some packages. Neovim can use most of Vim’s packages, bar a handful of very new ones that take advantage of Vim 9 exclusive features. But why would we use Neovim just to use packages written in VimL? Thankfully, packages written primarily in Lua cover most of what we need:-

  • packer.nvim: improved package management built atop Neovim’s built-in package manager. We’ll use this to install the remaining packages.
  • nvim-tree.lua: a file explorer tree on the left-side of the editor.
  • gitsigns.nvim: markings on the left side for git additions, modifications, and removals.
  • nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui: Debugger Adapter Protocol to provide integration with debuggers.
  • telescope.nvim: filter and select from a set of providers e.g. buffers, the filesystem, and ripgrep results. In plain English: a fuzzy finder for files and a nice UI for finding items among files.
  • nvim-lspconfig: integrate with Language Server Protocol servers for your tech stacks of choice, table stakes for modern editors and IDEs unless they have enough clout to reimplement parsers for everything in-house such as Jetbrains.
  • nvim-treesitter: semantic understanding of code structure rather than crappy old 100% regexp-based systems. Provides modern, accurate syntax highlighting among other things.
  • nvim-scrollview: a scrollbar, but even in a terminal.
  • barbar.nvim: modern tabs, even in a terminal.
  • LuaSnip: a code snippets system.
  • nvim-cmp and cmp-nvim-lsp: autocompletion, integrated with LSP.
  • lualine.nvim: a useful status line at the bottom of the editor.
  • nvim-minimap: a Sublime Text- and Code-style minimap, but it tucks itself into a corner rather than taking over a whole side of the screen.
  • kommentary: comment current lines, but with awareness provided by the likes of treesitter.
  • neogit: perform git operations easily directly from the editor. A shameless clone of Emac’s magit mode, but why not? magit is superb, so it’s the right plugin to clone.

First, install packer.nvim to get enhanced package management.

git clone \
    --depth 1 \ \

Declare the packages you’re interested in. The declaration look like this:

local packages = {

    config = function()
      vim.cmd.colorscheme 'nord'

Each package declaration is a Lua table, i.e. wrapped with braces. The first string in the package is its name which states from where on GitHub to pull it; use a full repository URI for non-GitHub git repositories.

A config function in a package configures the package after it has been loaded.

Finally, configure packer and point it to your packages declaration:

vim.cmd.packadd 'packer.nvim'

local packer = require 'packer'

packer.init {
  git = { clone_timeout = 60 * 5 }

packer.use(packages)  -- Define `packages`

Plugin developers sometimes commit breaking changes. To avoid them, you can pin commits and tags in the declaration:

local packages = {
    commit = '3f950aeed3bd908e33fd59643e8f3be05b719df6',
    commit = '8d8b9bf86bbc715a055b54cb53f0643fd664caa4',

    config = function()
      vim.cmd.colorscheme 'nord'

Save the configuration using the write command, whose abbreviation is w. Reload the configuration in the current editor with the command source $MYVIMRC. Finally, run the PackerSync command and the packages will be pulled down and installed.

Unlike Visual Studio Code, many extensions need explicit initialisation code. Sometimes it’s a basic setup call like this:

  version = 'v0.2',

  config = function()
    require 'gitsigns'.setup()

Other times, more complex configuration will be passed to the setup function which will be documented in the extension’s README:

  commit = '34de06d4e8fc46090325dcaa3e8d74e295dd8ef1',

  config = function()
    require 'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
      context_commentstring = {
        enable = true,

Once you know how to configure options and install packages in Neovim, combined with knowing how to use vi family editors day-to-day, everything else is a search engine query away. Of particular note are autogroups which allow configuration specific to languages, e.g. using spaces to indent except for Go.

Putting it All Together

My complete Neovim configuration can be found on my GitLab account. It’s part of a Dockerfile, meaning you can jump straight into it with Docker using docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/home/user/workspace

This “screenshot” is pasted as HTML directly from my terminal emulator, so the UI looks more janky than it actually is. Of note are the features we’d take for granted in modern editors: a side view of the file tree, tabs, fuzzy finding of files, autocomplete of file paths, syntax colouring, and more.

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Once Neovim is set up, it possesses all the features of a modern editor. It’s performant, has a decent extension language, supports LSP, is immediately hackable, has ergonomic keybindings, runs over SSH and in a TTY attached to a container, and roots its keybindings in the ubiquitous POSIX vi standard. Add to that a growing ecosystem of fancy third party GUIs. Unlike modern Vim, its ecosystem focuses on using one language well rather than using external integrations written in anything under the sun from Python to Node.js and even Deno.

If you’d like to keep up with Neovim, follow its news and development.